Friday, June 27, 2008

And the Winner Is

Managermom for this wonderful idea:

"Screw labels. You are what you want to make of yourself. You are what you DO! And it doesn't matter how infrequently. You are a writer. You are a blogger. You are a jewelery designer. You can be all of those, or none of them in a single day. Why limit yourself to words on a card? I say, put your name, email, address, and URL. And hand them out with the confidence that you require no explanation.:-)"

So there you have it. No lables. If I'm in flux, I can be in flux. I like the idea of changing with the wind. Kinda like The Man Black Hockey Jesus with his ever changing picture.

So here goes for now : I am a mom, a crafty girl, a neophyte writer, mosquito killer, toy parrot finder, everything and nothing depending on the day, hour or minute

I would also like to give a shout out to my girl mamacarter for her idea Exectuive Vice President of Domestic Affairs. But mamacarter has always been way more ambitious than me so it fits her better.


Manager Mom said...

I am all verklempt. I don't win a lot of contests so this is WAAAAY cool. And maybe we can start a tiny anti-label revolution!

MamaCarter said...

I got a shout out, I got a shout out! I'm so excited! Muah! You make me laugh...

anymommy said...

Yes! Throw labels to the wind. Excellent idea. Back to the potty training wars.

jen said...

i think i need to print that out and put it on a card that i can look at everyday to remind myself.
thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

We stand up and salute you! Well done:)