Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Today I received some bad news. A little girl whose smiling face I had come to know passed away.

Now I never met Maddie or her parents Heather and Mike in person. I only knew them through their wonderful blogs.

The funny thing about the impersonal internet is that it is not impersonal. You can meet wonderful, funny, smart people who are willing to give you a glimpse into their lives. You get to know them, to care about them. You laugh with their joys and you cry with their sorrows. And today my heart breaks for Mike and Heather.

If you can, please support the March of Dimes in Maddie's name so other families do not have to go through this tragedy.


maya said...

i adore heather and she is a good friend. maddie was a special little girl, and i know that her short life will continue to touch many others for years to come.

anymommy said...

Sadness all day - I can't quite get it, I keep hoping it's not true while my heart weeps for Heather and Mike.

Kari said...

I read about this last night on her website, and I couldn't stop thinking about it all day long. I am so, so sad for them.

ConverseMomma said...

I can't shake this saddness. I can't stop hugging my own children. My heart just breaks for this beautiful family.