Thursday, May 28, 2009


Last night was the first time in three weeks that Bunny spent the night in her bed. She hasn't taken refuge in our bed, although she's asked. No, she has been sleeping on her floor.

I'm not really sure how it all started. I think it was an attempt to stave off going to bed. She said she wanted to lay on the floor. Since we couldn't make her sleep we agreed. When she fell asleep we carried her to her bed. We didn't think anything of it.

But then she only wanted to sleep on the floor. We had to bring her animals and blankets to the floor. If we tried to put her in her bed after she fell asleep she would wake in the middle of the night and cry. She would only sleep on the floor, no bed for her.

So we let it go. We figured it was just a phase. But we asked why she didn't want to sleep in her bed. We received answers such as "my bed isn't comfortable" or "the floor is more cozy". When we asked what we could do to make her bed nicer, she was vague. I think she liked the floor. She thought of it as an adventure.

This past weekend she slept in a bed with no fuss. Granted I was in the bed with her and it was a hotel bed, but it was a bed nonetheless. We thought she would go to her own bed when we got home. We thought wrong. She wanted the floor again.

We didn't know if this was a problem. If it was bad to sleep on the floor. It didn't seem to bother her at all. She slept soundly, through the night. So we didn't worry too much. Well we worried a little but not as much as we would have if she wasn't sleeping.

Finally, Bubs came up with an idea. He asked if she would like it if we made her bed into a tent. She was thrilled at the idea. But how would we do it? I found a sheer curtain that I was going to put up in her room (before I realized that sheer curtains in a kid's room was a bad idea). So we draped this over one edge of her bed (she has a little day bed so there are three rails). This worked. She and her bunnies camped out in that end of the bed and she slept there all night long.

I don't know if it will continue or if we'll be back to camping out on the floor. But for one night I felt better.


Anonymous said...

We have a floor sleeper also. She goes through waves of it. Don't know what it is...

Christy said...

Pretty sure I went through that phase too. Let us know how it goes tonight!

You're still going, right?! (to chicago, I mean)

Kate Coveny Hood said...

George insists on sleeping on the floor. The worst is when he wedges himself in front of the door so I can't open it!

Kari said...

Good news, and great idea!!!

FranticMommy said...

Good job Mom! You just have to be a little trickier than they are sometimes!

anymommy said...

They are such ornery creatures. Hope it works.

2 Brits, 2 Yanks, 2 Dogs said...

I hope she is camping out again for you tonight.

Anonymous said...

Whatever works for the night, go with it! We do whatever magic we can to get Ava to stay in bed all night too :) Glad something worked, even if only for a night!

EatPlayLove said...

wow! I'm assuming this is a phase. Reason will get to her eventually and she'll understand the bed is way better. Can't believe I haven't been through this one yet!