Tuesday, December 6, 2011


It's a special day. The energy is different. The kids can sense it too. Their behavior is different, not better just different.

Daddy is home today. Daddy is theirs for the day.

The door closes. The voices and laughter are drifting away. A car starts and then backs down the driveway.

It's quiet. It's middle of the night quiet. It's quiet, beautiful, peaceful quiet.

It's 8 a.m. on a Tuesday morning. I am alone. The day stretches out before me full of possibilities.


Brooke said...

So lovely!!

Ivey League Mama said...

Drink it in, friend. Drink it in.

Issa said...

Enjoy it friend. Too bad we can't go for lunch...

anymommy said...

I love to be alone. I hope it was a gorgeous, quiet day.